07879 642731

Personal Coaching

Personal coaching puts you in the driving seat, with the backing of a skilled, qualified and experienced coach using a suite of tools to ensure each pit stop leaves you with a clear road ahead.

Coaching provides a process for unlocking your potential and optimising your performance in any part of your life. You choose how far you want to go with it. The task of your coach is to help you develop in the context you decide.

You might have a dream you wish to pursue. You might have something you want to be free of. You might have an obstacle you are keen to jump. Coaching is about helping you identify the skills and capabilities that are already within you and using them to the best of your ability to become your best 'you', living the life you want, the way you want.

Coaching is focused on what is going on for you today, and what you want for the future. Your coach will help you look at the choices available to you, support you in making decisions and assist you if you wish to make any changes. Your coach will work with you and focus on solutions and getting results using proven processes. You direct your own learning and growth.

Why Plucky People? We all have different beliefs about how brave we are. Some of us will have a strong held belief that we are an extremely courageous person. Others will say they haven't got a bold bone in their body. Sometimes, we believe that our fears make us inadequate, but in truth we all have courage and act in face of our fears every day. We are all plucky people. Coaching helps us capitalise on that courage.
Excellent two way relationship. I felt I could trust Aimée and open up my true feelings and beliefs. Aimée was then able to help me use techniques to move on.
RT, Head Receptionist, 42